Portfolio: http://erickcarjes. daportfolio.com/
Occupation: Colorist
Location: São Paulo - Brazil
Bio: I'm a Digital Designer currently working on apps for iPad at a local Agency. I like to read a lot of indie comics and only a few mainstream. My top 3 Comics: 1- The Invisibles 2-Sandman 3-Sin City
Various Abilities: I draw, I paint. I colour, I ink. I write and I complain. I'm a nice person.
Inspirations: Frank Miller, Neil Gaiman and Clive Barker. And Rock n Roll baby
Life Goals: Have my own mainstream comic book. Be famous, make a movie, make a game, become president and make this country better.
Tagline: F#%k you.
Occupation: Colorist
Location: São Paulo - Brazil
Bio: I'm a Digital Designer currently working on apps for iPad at a local Agency. I like to read a lot of indie comics and only a few mainstream. My top 3 Comics: 1- The Invisibles 2-Sandman 3-Sin City
Various Abilities: I draw, I paint. I colour, I ink. I write and I complain. I'm a nice person.
Inspirations: Frank Miller, Neil Gaiman and Clive Barker. And Rock n Roll baby
Life Goals: Have my own mainstream comic book. Be famous, make a movie, make a game, become president and make this country better.
Tagline: F#%k you.