Name: Anthony Salinas
Aliases: BaaBa
Occupation: Painter
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Bio: I was raised by near-sided albino jackalopes until the age of 7. It's at that age that I met a man by the name of Bruce Willis. I taught him how to play the harmonica and to walk on glass. The I turned 8 and I decided I should do something with my life, so I started drawing. fast-forward 10 years and I have just escaped from a mexican prison ( for having an illegal shark fighting business...but that's neither here nor there...) for the second time. I fled to Illinois and attended the Illinois Institute of Art. Then I graduated. And now I work in the art field as an illustrator/character designer/animator/colorist. Life is good.
Various Abilities: Drawing, Digital Painting and I play a mean kazoo!
Inspirations: Kenny G, Joey Lawrence, and orphans.
Life Goals: To party like its 1999
Tagline: I like draw.